Oak - Monterrey


Monterrey Oak

Quercus polymorpha, the Mexican white oakMonterrey oak or netleaf white oak, is a North American species of oak. It is widespread in Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras, and known from a single population in the United States (about 30 km north of the Río Grande in Val Verde County, Texas) but widely planted as an ornamental.

Quercus polymorpha is a subevergreen tree up to 20 meters (67 feet) tall. Bark is gray or brown. Leaves are elliptical or egg-shaped, up to 15 cm (6 inches) long, unlobed or with a few shallow rounded lobes.

Open to the public / Wholesale and retail outlet for trees, shrubs and fertilizers



Mon - Wed - 7am - 4pm
Thurs - Fri - 7am - 5pm
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